"Add description" confuses users

"Add description" confuses users

People are adding edit summaries in the place for message documentation, perhaps because there's no other place where they can explain something (bugzilla:45831?) or perhaps because the button is confusing.

Example: [1], but I've seen several others. I bet this is now the vast majority of qqq edits on Meta, but I can't see it easily because we have no CleanChanges there.

Nemo (talk)18:18, 12 April 2013

There are too many ways to see this problem, I'm unable to translate it to a bugzilla report; I've mentioned it on bugzilla:45831#c5. It's also possible that we must get used to a new role of message documentation, it could get interesting.

Nemo (talk)11:03, 29 April 2013

Slight reword in gerrit:61761.

Siebrand10:31, 1 May 2013